Vegan lasagna (dairy-free, gluten-free)

Complex in flavor, this dish is layers of sauce, uncooked lasagna noodles, and layers of choice. It all depends on what you have on hand, how creative you want to be and time you want to spend, and how big and deep your baking dish is!

Basic layers
  • homemade tomato sauce or store-bought marinara sauce or pasta sauce
  • uncooked lasagna noodles (made from whole wheat, semolina, or brown rice)
Layers of choice
  • chopped onion and chopped mushrooms browned in extra-virgin olive oil
  • zucchini, cut lengthwise into strips
  • fresh tomatoes, sliced or chopped
  • crumbled tofu mixed with dried and/or fresh herbs (such as thyme, oregano, rosemary, parsley, basil)
  • fresh corn kernels, pine nuts, and sunflower seeds
  • sweet peppers, thinly sliced
  • kale leaves, slivered
  • hummus mixed with olive tapenade
  • vegan cheese shreds

The number of layers depends on the size of your baking dish, how many lasagna noodles you have, and how many layers of choice you want to use.

Preheat the oven to 375º. In the bottom of the baking dish, spread a layer of sauce and add a layer of noodles. Then alternate a layer of choice, a layer of noodles, and a layer of sauce, ending with a layer of sauce. Cover loosely with aluminum foil and transfer the dish onto a rimmed baking sheet in case it bubbles over. Bake for 45 minutes. Lift the foil and pierce the center with a large fork to check if the noodles are soft and the sauce is bubbling. If not ready, bake, covered, at 15-minute intervals until the noodles are cooked. Then broil, uncovered, for a few minutes to crisp up the top. Allow to sit 5 minutes before serving.

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